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The Skin Health Solution Progam

Do you resonate with any of these?

I can’t seem to get my chronic skin condition under control. I feel like I’ve tried all the skin care products out there, and nothing works.


I find myself trying desperately to keep my skin condition hidden. I feel so anxious about being seen. Sometimes I even avoid social activities, so no one will see my skin


Every day is so hard. Over and over, I end up reaching for the same unhealthy things, just to get by. I don’t know how to get out of this cycle. I feel completely depleted, disconnected, and discouraged.


I know what it feels like, I've been there.

But things are different now. I’ve found a way to become confident in my skin and in my body. I know that it’s possible, and I want this for you too.  


You see, I’m a Skin Warrior myself. I have alopecia areata, an autoimmune condition that causes hair loss. I’ve been living with this condition since I was 8 years old.


During my childhood and teen years, I really struggled with my hair loss. I wore a wig every day, to ensure that no one would see my true self. I was so convinced that if anyone found out, I’d immediately be ostracized and isolated, and no one would ever want to be my friend again.


As I headed into my teens and 20s, I found myself stuck in a cycle of shame and guilt, and started turning to food as a coping mechanism. I just didn’t know what else to do.


One day, I looked in the mirror and I didn’t even recognize the person that I saw staring back at me. I was in my early 20s, and I was overweight, prediabetic, had high cholesterol, and was mired in depression and anxiety. My skin condition would flare up unpredictably. I was constantly worried about my appearance. I was a complete mess.

My Shame and Anxiety Were Literally Killing Me

Maybe you can relate. You’re trapped in a cycle of shame about your skin condition, and you find yourself reaching for unhealthy coping mechanisms even though you don’t really want to. I want you to know that there’s hope. In fact, everything can change with just one decision.


For me, the shift happened when I had my son. As I looked into my baby’s eyes, I knew that I couldn’t keep living this way. I wanted him to feel confident and free to show up in the world as his true self. But that wasn’t the example I was setting at all. 

I was almost ready to give up. I’m so glad that I didn’t. Instead, I made a decision to do whatever it took to change my life. I went on a journey to find out everything I could about chronic skin disease. I even ended up going to medical school, so I could learn as much as possible about how to support the health of the skin. 


Along the way, I discovered some simple yet powerful ways to improve not only my skin, but my overall physical and mental health. I saw firsthand how mainstream medicine tends to ignore some important factors, despite the huge and growing amount of research showing how much of an impact they can have.

Now, I'm a confident Skin Survivor.

I feel great in both my body and my mind, and I no longer fear heading out the door in the morning. I show up every day as my true authentic self – nothing hidden. My physical and mental well-being have improved immensely, and I feel healthy and strong.


I’m on a mission to share everything that I’ve learned with others. I know from experience that it’s possible to go from struggling to thriving, even if you’re dealing with a chronic skin condition. The healing that I’ve experienced is possible for you too.


My desire to share my exact blueprint for healing led to the creation of The Mind Gut Skin Academy, with a goal to build a comprehensive future membership site and community for women living with chronic skin conditions.  Because I know the importance of factors that mainstream medicine often overlooks, I’ve made sure to include everything you need to know to become healthy on all levels.


Providing You With a Foundation

At first, I was planning to make the MGS Academy membership site available to the community, however I realized the importance of providing you with a foundation focused on the 3 pillars of Skin Health, the importance of providing weekly group support, and also building community. 


Because MGS Academy's foundational course, The Skin Health Solution, is so packed full of value, I want to ensure that you’re able to fully absorb the experience and integrate the information. This takes time. 


What do you get when you invest in the Mind-Gut-Skin Academy Foundational program?



A foundational course that shares my exact blueprint for becoming skin confident. It’s jam-packed with everything you need to know to become healthier and happier than ever.



In any transformation, receiving support from like-minded individuals is essential. Our program is designed to provide you with a supportive network of individuals who uplift, inspire, and offer valuable advice to help you navigate challenges along your journey. 

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My top tips for building healthy habits for skin health. Everything is organized in a practical way, and designed to make it as easy as possible for you to implement the changes and see huge results.

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Interviews with guest experts. Through my professional connections, I’ve found many people whose knowledge and wisdom will make a huge difference in your journey. You’ll get access to these world-class experts every month.

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Gain Skin-Confidence Overnight

I truly believe that this program is the absolute best way for people with chronic skin conditions to improve their health and become confident and truly free.


I’m living proof that change is possible – no matter how anxious and miserable you are now, and no matter how long you’ve been suffering. Things don’t have to continue like this. There is a way to reclaim your life.


You may have been suffering for years, and now you’ve finally found a road map to a better way of living. Don’t waste any more time mired in shame and anxiety about your skin.


I’ll see you inside the program.

To Your Best Life,

Dr. Renee

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Take the First Step Today

You’ll feel more and more confident in your choice to make the necessary changes to live more holistically and authentically. You’ll see firsthand how much this increases not just your skin health, but also your overall quality of life.


Sign up for the MGS Academy Foundational Course, The Skin Health Solution to begin your membership for a small Skinvestment of $97

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