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Combining Exercise With Social Time

Updated: Apr 15

Exercise is one of the most important things you can do for your health – including your skin health. From reducing inflammation to improving sleep to helping maintain good mental health, exercise has a huge number of benefits.

Yet many people struggle to consistently get the exercise that they need. Pretty much all of us are busy, and it can be challenging to find the time for physical activity. I talk to many women who have the best of intentions to get exercise – but over and over again, they get to the end of another day and they find that they’ve been too busy with other things to follow through.

I’ve found a powerful way to help keep yourself on track with your intention to exercise. Combining social time with exercise can make a huge difference. This is something that I’ve used in my own life, and I’ve also seen it work very well for my clients. All you need to do is find a way to exercise with friends.

Friends help to keep you accountable

When you exercise with friends, it’s a lot harder to skip out on your workout. This makes it much easier to be consistent, which is key to getting the many benefits of exercise. 

There are a few different ways to do this. One way is to choose a particular accountability buddy. You could choose a friend, partner, sibling, parent, or even an acquaintance who’s also interested in getting healthier through exercise. It’s ideal if you can do your workouts together, either in person or virtually. If this isn’t possible because of scheduling issues, you can still check in with each other on a regular basis to encourage each other to stay on track.

You can also consider joining an exercise group. This is a great way to meet new people who are as interested in healthy living as you are, while also helping you stay on track with your own health goals. A group that meets in person is ideal, but meeting virtually can also work well. You can find a group that does almost any kind of exercise that you’d like to incorporate into your life, from aerobics to yoga to weightlifting.

In fact, I’m part of a group that meets virtually to do weightlifting three times a week. I really enjoy spending time with them, even if it’s not in person. This has also really helped me to add weightlifting into my workout routine – it’s not something that I’m naturally drawn to, so I needed that boost of accountability to help me make this a habit.

Social time makes exercise more enjoyable

Although some people certainly do have fun exercising alone, most people have a lot more fun exercising with others. When you choose to exercise along with people that you like to spend time with, then you won’t want to skip your workouts. They’ll become something that you’ll look forward to.

Having authentic friendships is also one of the biggest keys to good health – including good skin health. When you combine your workouts with social time, you’re also helping to nurture your relationships. You get a double benefit for your health – exercise along with social connections. It’s always great when you can use a single activity to meet more than one of your needs.

Are you seeking accountability for your health goals?

If you’re interested in improving your skin health, then you’d almost certainly benefit from some support. This is why I’ve put so much effort into creating opportunities to connect with others through Mind Gut Skin Academy. By joining our community, you’ll be able to receive tips, advice, and support from others who are going on a similar journey of transformation. This can make all the difference in helping you to achieve your goals.

MGS Academy is also my signature program, and it contains my entire roadmap to achieving better skin health. This is how I went from being an insecure, unhealthy mess to being the confident, authentic woman I am today. The brand-new version of the program will be launching soon – head over here to find out more or to get on the waitlist.

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